PODCAST 23: Organized for Overwhelm

PODCAST 23: Organized for Overwhelm

How often do you put off doing things because you think it’s going to take too much time and other things feel like they are a priority? We often procrastinate when we are feeling overwhelmed. But there are a few simple organizational tricks we can apply to...

Podcast Overview

Living Clutter Free Forever If you’re a busy mum who feels overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home, and you know it’s time to declutter, but you just don’t know where to start, then this podcast is for you. As a trained KonMari® Consultant...
PODCAST 22: KonMari® Your Clothes

PODCAST 22: KonMari® Your Clothes

  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to declutter and organize your clothes with the help of a KonMari® Consultant? Well, now you can find out! I have recorded this episode to help you go through all of your clothes, learn how to find out if an item sparks...
PODCAST 21: Organized Styling

PODCAST 21: Organized Styling

How many times have you stood in front of your wardrobe/closet in the morning, wondering what you should put on? Are you even sure what styles suit you? In this episode I am talking to Kay Korsh, a Wardrobe Consultant & Personal Stylist helps mums embrace their...
PODCAST 20: Organizing After A Death

PODCAST 20: Organizing After A Death

Have you ever wondered how you would deal with a loved one’s belongings after they have passed, or have you been in this situation, and wish you had had some more guidance about how best to communicate with other family members about the best way to proceed? In...