PODCAST 30: It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect

by | Dec 16, 2022


It’s 9 days until Christmas Eve. Partly exciting, partly terrifying. Why does it always manage to creep up on me so quickly, despite the best preparations? It got me thinking about the pressure we put on ourselves for everything to be perfect, so I thought that would be a great podcast topic at this time of year. The last couple of years, because of Covid, we didn’t have any visitors over Christmas, and I secretly loved it. I was of course sad not to get to see the people, but the rest of it I can live without. I didn’t have to clean the guest bedroom, or make exciting desserts, or worry if the table decorations looked amazing. I didn’t even have to worry about getting out of my pyjamas. It was so liberating, that I have decided to adopt a similar attitude this year. Have a listen to what I’ve got organized!
If you want to leave me an early Christmas present in the form of a review please do so here:




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