PODCAST 37: Marie Kondo Said What?!

by | Feb 3, 2023


If you have seen the press recently you will see they have been having a field day that Marie Kondo  said some things they were not expecting! That she has ‘kind of given up’ on tidying up.  They have been getting themselves a bit over excited about it, and I think it’s brilliant. In this episode I explain what’s been happening, how the media have been twisting the message, and I also chat to another KonMari Consultant Nazanine from The Tidy Wonder about what’s been going on. Hear our perspective and a whole lot more in this brilliant episode.
If you are interested in working with Nazanine, you can find her at Professional Organizer and KonMari® Consultant | Nazanine Eslamdoust | The Tidy Wonder | Hamburg.

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